Monday, August 6, 2012

Moe Is Not A Morning Person

Like a truly dedicated professional, I wrenched myself from my cozy bed at 5:15 AM, slithered into my breeches, and headed out the door at 5:25 AM. I reached the barn by 6 AM, just when the sun was rising. I thoroughly confused poor old Minnie, who started frantically nickering in expectation of breakfast. My most favorite little chestnut Thoroughbred greeted me at the gate, surprised to see me so early. I think he was expecting an early breakfast. Instead, he was rudely caught, brushed, saddled, and unjustly taken out for a hack in the newly-mowed hay field.

My normally fearless, cheerful horse was very cranky. He chewed at his bit and danced sideways in frustration, spooking at the manure pile, singing birds, bushes, and who knows what else. Instead of spending the beautifully cool morning doing gallop sets, Moe and I spent it doing ten meter circles and the tiniest of serpentines. At a walk. For half an hour. In a giant hay field.

This is not why I got up at dark o'clock.

1 comment:

Karley said...

I am not a morning person either ... lol!

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